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Clinamen » object-oriented rhetoric

Category Archive: object-oriented rhetoric

Paul Cret and the Decorum of Objects

Paul Cret and the Decorum of Objects

For this year’s Rhetoric Society of America conference, I organized a panel called “Object-Oriented Rhetoric: The Case of the Benjamin Franklin Bridge.” Scot Barnett and …


The Decorum of Objects

The Decorum of Objects

Image credit: “Putney Oscillator” by peff   I’ll be attending the University of South Carolina Conference on Rhetorical Theory in mid-October. This is a unique conference for a couple of …




Photo Credit: “Doug Engelbart Demo 1968” by mac steve In a graduate seminar I’m teaching, last week’s reading was an exchange between Steve Mailloux and Diane …


Spam and the Rhetoric of Objects

Spam and the Rhetoric of Objects

Photo Credit: Screenshot of Daniel Tankersley’s “The Forest” What would an object-oriented rhetoric look like?  This question is being asked by a number of scholars, and …

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